Info for Parents
Kimihia School Handbook
Thank you for considering Kimihia Primary School for your child/children. I trust this booklet will be informative and will help you find out what you need to know.
You are more than welcome to visit the school.
If you have any queries, I am happy to support you. I can be contacted in person at school, or by phoning:
Phone: (07) 828 7495
Kimihia School was first opened 23 August 1897 in Tawa Road, Huntly with 13 students. The first Teacher/Principal was Mr Maurice Priestley. To get to school Mr Priestley walked daily from Huntly to Lake Hakanoa, rowed across the lake in a Maori canoe and then walked on to the school from Patterson’s farm. The paddle he used was donated by him to the school at the 1947 reunion. Today, the paddle sits in a pride of place, the Principal’s Office of Kimihia School. In 1967 the school moved from the Tawa Road site to where it is located now in Tamihana Avenue, Huntly.
In 1971 there was a roll of 203 students. In 1980 there was a roll of 249 students and today there is a roll of approximately 380. Our wonderful school continues to grow.
The word Kimihia can be freely translated as “Go and Seek”. All students at our school are encouraged, guided and supported to “Go and Seek” as we prepare them for lifelong learning.
PRINCIPAL: Pamela Dunn
TRUSTEES: Bianca Peri, Erin Taoho, Alana Peterson, David Sowerby, Florentyna Afemui & Ashley Benterman
“Go and Seek”
To provide a caring, stable environment and academic excellence while preparing our students for lifelong learning.
Reporting to Parents
Kimihia School places great importance on the relationship between Home and School. Teachers appreciate Parents calling at the school to keep in touch with their child’s progress. However, should you wish to see your child’s teacher with a concern or issue it is essential to phone and make an appointment at a time when it suits both parties so that there is appropriate time made available.
The Principal is happy to discuss any matters with you, either by phone, email or in person.
If you are visiting during the school day you must sign in at the School Office and provide a reason for your visit.
Term Two Home School Partnership Meeting
Written Report
Term Four Written Report
After 1-3 Years at School Anniversary Reports.
Plus 6, 18 & 30 months at school reports
All aspects of the N.Z Education Curriculum are taught at Kimihia School. The curriculum is delivered in an integrated manner, reinforcing the ‘Kimihia Kid’ attributes and virtues each term. Kimihia School has a ‘Learning to Learn Model.’ A set of key understandings is used to expose students to, a number of times, during their tenure at the school, the 5 learning areas as stated in the NZC. (Health and Physical Education, Technology, the Arts, Social Science and Science)
We set high standards both in class and in the playground. There is a school wide approach to gaining the best from our students; we place great importance on positive student behaviour. Positive Behaviour for learning is reinforced using the Kimihia Kid Attributes and the 5 strategies of the Virtues Project.
Where vandalism and/or wilful damage to any school property or resources have been proven, the Board of Trustees require the parents to make some form of payment to contribute to the replacement cost.
The school has currently 6 security cameras that monitor the school grounds. A notice at the school office informs parents and visors that the school is monitored.
1) All students will show consideration and respect for others and their property at all times.
2) Bad language is not acceptable at Kimihia Primary School.
3) Chewing gum, bubble gum, fizzy drinks and lollies/sweets are not permitted at school.
4) All students are expected to participate fully in all curriculum areas including swimming and PE unless they have a medical reason which their parents have informed their teacher of in writing.
5) School uniform is to be worn at all times, this includes haircuts to be of an acceptable look, no dyed hair, no mohawks or dreadlocks, no jewellery except a watch and small studs in each ear and religious or cultural necklaces (please refer to policy). All hair is to be tied up and hair ties and head bands are to be black only.
6) No child is to leave the school grounds during school time unless their parents/caregiver has been to the School Office, signed them out and been issued with a blue card. This blue card is to be handed to the learning room teacher by the adult, notifying them they are taking their child out of school during school hours. There is a tablet in the office for this purpose. If you sign a child out of school during the school day they must be signed back in at the School Office on return.
7) Students should not arrive at school before 8.00am and no later than 8.50am. They are expected to leave the school grounds when dismissed in the afternoon. Students will be supervised from 8.30am until 2.50pm only.
Pamela Dunn - PRINCIPAL
Emma Tumohe - DEPUTY PRINCIPAL & PHASE 2 LEADER - Years 4-6
Sheryl McCarthy - PHASE 1 LEADER - Years 0-3
Raewyn Mitchell-Burnard - PHASE 1 LEADER - Years 0-3
Robyn Harris - PHASE 3 LEADER - Years 7-8
The school is organised into four teams. The emphasis in Teams 1 & 2 is on providing an excellent base of skills and knowledge in literacy and numeracy which will provide the foundation for future learning.
Teams 3 & 4 aim to build on the skills and knowledge developed in Teams 1 & 2 and to extend the students.
Year 4–8 students have the chance to attend sporting events through the Huntly Interschool Organisation.
All Year 7 & 8 students attend Technicraft classes for 1½ hours per week as well as having the opportunity to extend themselves in sporting, cultural and academic areas and participating in events organised by the Waikato Full Primary Association.
Senior students are our leaders and as such are expected to maintain a high standard of behaviour and work habits to set a good example to the rest of the school.
We have part time teachers and learning assistants to provide programmes to meet student needs in all learning rooms.
The school operates a computer suite. All students have access to the suite. Our goal is to give student’s equal coverage and access to I.C.T to increase learning opportunities. I.C.T. is connected to student’s development across all curriculum areas. All learning rooms have computers in them and are networked to provide access to electronic resources. We also have Interactive Whiteboards, iPads, netbooks, laptops, cameras and projectors which help to enhance the learning programme.
Learning rooms use the library weekly for lessons in library skills and to promote enjoyment of books. All students are encouraged to borrow books from the school library. Books are issued for two weeks. We ask you to help us by regularly checking to see that books are not overdue. If a book is lost or damaged, parents will be asked to contribute towards replacing it.
The library is also open at lunchtimes for the students to access.
At various times, students with ability in Music, Drama and Dance have the chance to prepare for items i.e. Choir, Performing Groups and Productions. These areas of the Arts are also integrated in the learning programme.
Where it is appropriate to topics being studied, programmes incorporate relevant aspects of Maori culture/language. This meets our Charter responsibility to promote New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage. The students also have the opportunity to participate in Kapahaka
It is intended that all classes should have at least one excursion each year. All students are expected to participate and not be excused because of physical or financial difficulties.
A camp is held on alternate years for Years 5-6 and Years 7-8. Education outside the classroom is designed to develop independence and self-reliance, allowing the students to participate in a number of new experiences related to the curriculum which reinforce learning and develop further their social skills.
A Homework Centre operates for Years 4 – 8 students from 3.00pm – 4.20pm Monday to Thursday.
Students may attend 1 to 4 days, however it is expected that once they have enrolled they attend on the days they have enrolled for, unless the school has been informed by a parent/caregiver that they will be absent.
Students are allowed in the learning room when there is a teacher present.
The school has a sick bay which is equipped to cope with minor accidents and ailments. Parents must make sure the school is informed of any persistent conditions or allergies e.g.: Asthma, bee allergies. If necessary, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school with medication in such cases. It is also essential that the school has at least one emergency contact number for each child in case there is a more serious accident i.e.: broken bones.
The school must be informed if a contact number is changed.
Only in extreme cases will a staff member take a child to the doctor or call an ambulance. All medication, including inhalers must be handed in to the office. Students requiring medication go to the office to receive it.
BELL TIMES 8.50 Classes begin
11.00 Morning Break
11.20 Classes resume
12.50 Eat Lunch
1.00 Out to play
1.45 First Bell for end of lunch
1.50 Classes resume
2.50 Classes finish for the day
Two bells ring to come inside when raining.
Continuous bell – with voice activation to indicate school is to be evacuated
If you have a query or concern about the school or your child, please follow these steps:
Talk it over with the learning room teacher. Please phone and make an appointment rather than just arriving on the doorstep. By making an appointment and stating your concern the teacher has time to look into the problem.
If your concern does not directly concern the learning room teacher you can make an appointment to see the Team Leader, an Acting Assistant Principal or Principal.
If you feel your concern has not been addressed satisfactorily you can put it in writing to the Board of Trustees or ask to present your concerns at a Board of Trustees meeting. This request must be received by the Board Chairperson one week prior to the Board of Trustee meeting date if you wish to address the Board of Trustees.
The school has rules, policies and procedures to cover most of what happens at school. All procedures can be found on the SchoolDocs wesite. – search for your school and select Kimihia.
User name is kimihia and the password is 3700.
If you are uncertain about any procedures, please ask. By working together parents and staff will ensure that the school remains a happy, safe and positive environment for all students.
If you are enrolling, or thinking of enrolling your child please contact the school office as soon as possible before their starting day. Five year olds are offered three pre-visits and it is easy to enrol when you bring your child for a pre-visit. Enrolment takes about 10 minutes. Please bring their birth certificate and immunization records.
If your child is enrolling from another school, simply bring them on the day they wish to start attending.
If you know earlier, visits prior to enrolment are always welcome.
All new enrolments must meet with the Principal prior to starting school.
Kimihia Primary School operates an enrolment scheme.
In Zone Procedure: If you live within Kimihia School’s zone you can enrol your child/students at any time by completing the enrolment form. We will also need a copy of your child’s birth certificate, immunisation certificate and proof of address. E.g.: power bill, rental agreement
Out of Zone Procedures: If you do not live within the home zone specified in the school’s enrolment scheme your application will be subject to the selection procedure outlined in the Education Act 1989 and you will need to complete an enrolment form. On completion of the enrolment form you will be given the date of our next scheduled ballot.
The Act states that there are five priorities for enrolment.
1. Meet the criteria for enrolment in approved special programme run by the school. Our school has no such programme.
2. Meet the criteria of being a sibling of a current student.
3. Meet the criteria of being a sibling of a former student.
4. Meet the criteria of being a child of a former student.
5. Meet the criteria of being a child of a board employee.
6. All other students.
The school will advertise places available through the website and Facebook pages at least 1 month prior to a ballot. In situations where the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available for out of zone students, selection will be done by ballot. If a ballot is required at our school, it will be supervised by a Justice of the Peace or a sworn member of the Police.
Within three school days of this date, the school will send you a letter informing you of the outcome of the ballot. If your application has been successful, you will be asked to confirm your acceptance or rejection of the offered place within 14 days of the date on the school’s letter. If you do not respond within the 14 day period, the place will be offered to the first person on the waiting list established by the ballot.
Kimihia School is currently part of the Ministry of Education Donations Scheme which gives us the ability to pay for an initial stationery pack, swimming fees, senior camp, Technicraft (manual) and up to three shows during the year.
There is no school donation.
We have art and paper fees which help pay for art and paper supplies.
Art fee $12 and paper fee $10 annually per child.
Money should only be brought to school when needed for school events or to purchase lunches or stationery. Students should ask their teacher to put the money in the class money box for safe keeping. Money should never be left in desks or bags. We discourage students from bringing toys to school as often these can be damaged unintentionally. Therefore students will be asked to leave them in their bags or the teacher will mind them and return them at the end of the day. If the students bring them to school, the toys are their responsibility. Students are not permitted to have a phone at school unless the parents have requested. All phones must be handed into the learning room teacher upon arriving at school for safe keeping during the day.
School newsletters are sent out fortnightly on a Thursday. These are given to the youngest or only child in the family. Make sure you are receiving one, as these contain important information of upcoming events etc. The newsletter is available via email upon request and can also be viewed on the website and in the Skool Loop app.
The wearing of the school uniform is compulsory. The Uniform Shop is open every morning from 8.30 – 9.00am.
The school uniform is a polar fleece, polo shirt, long pants (winter) shorts (summer), girls may wear culottes. Hair is to be tied back and all hair ties and headbands are to be black or brown only. Socks are to be navy blue or black. Shoes are to be black. Everything apart from hair ties, headbands, shoes and socks can be purchased from the uniform shop.
Hats are also compulsory in Terms 1 and 4. They are to be wide brimmed, legionnaires, or bucket hats and they must be navy blue. NO CAPS! No jewellery is to be worn without a written request signed by a member of the Leadership team.
Before students can ride a bike to school they must be aged 10 years or above, and wear an approved safety helmet which is correctly fastened. Bicycles brought to school must be roadworthy and students are to observe all road rules; this must be stressed to ensure safe cycling to school. Bikes must be walked up and down Tamihana Avenue and in the school grounds. These rules are based on recommendations by NZ Police.
If your child is absent for any reason, please phone (07 828 7495), email (, advise through the Skool Loop app or text (027 916 0597) before 9.00am. If your child is absent and the school has not been notified the school will attempt to contact you or ask the Truancy Officer to check that your child is safe. If a child is absent for more than 20 consecutive days, without the school being contacted, they will need to be re-enrolled when they return.
To keep this to a minimum all of your students clothing must be clearly named. The lost property box is located in the Hall. Lost property is displayed regularly.
Kimihia School values the support from Sanitarium, Fonterra and Fruit in Schools.
Kimihia School runs a ‘Kickstart Programme’ (Breakfast in School) with Weetbix supplied by Sanitarium. Breakfast Club is organised by our school leaders and this programme operates every morning in the school hall.
Our students receive ‘Fruit in School’ every day at approximately 10am. The fruit is supplied as part of the fruit in schools programme.
Students can be enrolled at a Dental Clinic for free dental care from
2 years of age. Please ensure that your child is enrolled.
Kimihia School has a Mobile Dental Clinic which is in our school for 1-2 terms per year.
For emergencies or advice for the remainder of the year, please phone Huntly Mobile Clinic – 021 248 3091 during school hours.
For emergencies during school holidays, please phone your local or family dentist.
The Health Nurses work with schools, social and health agencies. They will perform health checks on new entrants and assess any other students with health concerns. They advise teachers and parents on student health matters. They can also refer to agencies such as Health Camp and Child Development Centre for further support and advice.
The Public Health Nurse can be contacted by phoning (07) 824 8646
We have access to a SWiS worker through Waahi Whanui. The service is designed to provide easily accessible early intervention to help students and families in order to prevent problems becoming more serious and difficult to overcome. Parents can make a referral by either talking to the Special Needs Coordinator or the Principal.
1) Can your child dress and undress themselves completely? This is a great help during swimming season.
2) Is your child able to confidently go to the toilet alone? Can your son use a urinal properly?
3) Does your child recognise all his/her clothing?
4) Are all your child’s clothing named?
5) Can your child pack and unpack their own school bag and do it up?
6) Shoes with Velcro fastenings are much easier for a young child to manage than shoe laces. If your child has shoe laces, please spend time teaching them to tie them.
7) Does your child know your address and phone number in case of an emergency? Have you up-dated the school with any changes to these?
8) Read lots and lots of stories to your child to foster a love of reading.
9) Talk with your child about places you visit to extend their general knowledge.
10) Give your child experience with paints, pencils and crayons. Encourage them to write their name but please only use a capital letter for the first letter, don’t use all capitals.
11) Make sure your child gets adequate sleep, 10-13 hours each night. Sitting up late watching T.V. and videos and early morning T.V. leads to uncooperative students who are too tired to learn.
12) Check your child’s hair regularly for head lice, this is your responsibility. Ordinary shampoo will not kill the eggs. You must get treatment from the chemist.
13) Please make sure your child has a school bag of some sort as it is very difficult giving a child notices and books to take home if they have nothing to put it in.